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emergency ac repair

What Should I Do If I Need Emergency AC Repair in Howard, OH?

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Imagine it’s a sweltering summer afternoon in Howard, OH, and your air conditioning system suddenly stops working. The temperature inside your home begins to climb, and the heat becomes unbearable. You start to panic, unsure of how to handle this unexpected situation.

Whether you’re hosting a family gathering, working from home, or simply trying to stay comfortable, a malfunctioning AC can quickly turn a relaxing day into a stressful ordeal. So how do you resolve these issues?

Let’s go through what to do if you need Howard emergency AC repair.

Take Quick Steps

If you think you might need repairs, start by turning off your AC unit. If your air conditioning system is malfunctioning, turning it off can prevent further damage and reduce the risk of electrical issues. This can help protect the unit from additional strain and potential hazards while you wait for professional assistance.

Next, check for obvious issues that you might be able to address on your own. Sometimes, the problem could be something as simple as a tripped circuit breaker, a blown fuse, or a clogged air filter.

Inspect your circuit breaker panel and reset any tripped breakers, replace blown fuses, and clean or replace the air filter if it appears dirty. These quick checks can sometimes resolve the issue without the need for professional intervention.

Call Professionals

The next crucial move is to call HVAC repair services. In Howard, OH, several local companies offer 24/7 emergency repair services, ensuring you won’t have to endure the discomfort of a broken AC unit for long.

These experts can identify common AC issues and figure out what needs to be done to reverse the problem.

Start by researching and finding a reliable service provider, focusing on those with positive reviews and a strong reputation for quick and efficient emergency response. When contacting the Howard HVAC repair service, provide a detailed description of the issue. Explain what symptoms the unit is exhibiting, such as strange noises, unusual smells, or a complete lack of cooling.

This information helps the technician prepare for the repair, bringing the necessary tools and parts to address the problem efficiently. Clear communication can speed up the repair process and ensure that the technician can resolve the issue in one visit.

It’s also important to ask about costs and estimated arrival times during your call. Emergency repair services often come with higher fees, so understanding the potential costs upfront can help you manage your expectations and budget accordingly.

Knowing how quickly a technician can arrive will give you an idea of how long you’ll need to wait. So, you’ll know if you should move to a cooler location, or if your technician will be there soon.

Prepare for Urgent AC Services

While waiting for the Howard AC technician to arrive, get your home ready to ensure a smooth and efficient repair process. Clear the area around your AC unit.

Remove any furniture, plants, or debris that could obstruct access to the unit. This will help the technician navigate the space more easily and safely, allowing them to focus on diagnosing and fixing the problem without unnecessary delays.

Gather any relevant information about your AC system. This includes the make and model of the unit, maintenance records, and any warranty information. Having these details readily available can assist the technician in quickly identifying potential issues and sourcing the correct parts.

If you have an owner’s manual, keep it handy, as it may provide additional useful information that can expedite the repair process. By preparing for the AC professional’s arrival, you can ensure a more efficient repair process and minimize the discomfort caused by a malfunctioning AC system.

Stay Safe

You also want to ensure you’re keeping yourself safe. Avoid attempting any DIY repairs unless you have the proper expertise.

AC systems can be complex and involve electrical components that can pose significant hazards if mishandled. By leaving the repair work to trained professionals, you minimize the risk of injury and potential damage to your AC unit.

While waiting for the Howard AC technician, it’s crucial to monitor the indoor temperature. If the temperature inside your home starts to rise to uncomfortable or unsafe levels, take steps to cool down.

This might include using portable fans, seeking refuge in the coolest part of the house, or even visiting a neighbor or public place with air conditioning. Keeping yourself and your family comfortable and hydrated is essential, especially during extreme heat conditions.

Be aware of any signs of heat-related illnesses. Symptoms like dizziness, headaches, or nausea can indicate heat exhaustion or heat stroke. If you or any family members experience these symptoms, go to a doctor in your area ASAP.

Don’t Forget Preventative Measures

AC maintenance can help reduce the likelihood that you’ll need 24/7 AC repair. Schedule annual inspections with a qualified Howard HVAC technician. During these check-ups, technicians can identify and address potential issues before they grow.

Keep your home’s outdoor AC unit clean and free from any obstructions. Debris such as leaves, grass, and dirt can accumulate around the unit, impeding its efficiency and causing overheating. Regularly inspect and clear the area around your AC unit to ensure proper airflow and optimal performance.

Think about shopping for a programmable thermostat to better manage your home’s temperature and reduce strain on your AC system. These devices can help maintain a consistent temperature, preventing the unit from overworking and minimizing wear and tear.

Stay informed about your AC system’s performance. Pay attention to any weird noises, smells, or performance issues, and get to them promptly by calling a professional. Early detection and intervention can stop small AC issues from developing into costly emergencies.

Emergency AC Repair in Howard: Call Today

Don’t panic if you need Howard emergency AC repair. Use these tips, and your AC system will be functioning again in no time.

Are you in need of emergency cooling solutions in Howard? Cosby Heating & Cooling has been the top option in Knox County since we started back in the 1980s.

Contact us today to find out more.

water heater problems

6 Critical Geothermal Water Heater Problems to Know About in Bellville, OH

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Geothermal water heaters have the attention of homeowners in Bellville, OH, and across the country. These modern appliances promise efficiency, yet they come with their own set of challenges.

In this guide, we’ll highlight six common water heater problems you may face when you install a geothermal water heater. From installation errors to forgotten maintenance, we’ll cover what you need to know to keep your water heater running smoothly. 

By understanding common heater problems in Bellville, you can prevent heater malfunctions and optimize water heater function. Read on to learn how to protect your investment and maintain reliable hot water in your home.

1. Installation Gone Wrong

Incorrect installation causes geothermal heater issues. If a geothermal water heater isn’t installed correctly, it can lead to several issues. Poor installation can cause the system to work inefficiently, leading to higher energy bills and more wear and tear on the components.

Hiring a qualified professional who specializes in geothermal services is crucial. We applaud anyone willing to spend their weekends tackling home improvement projects. However, a qualified technician will ensure the correct setup.

Could anything that bad happen? Yes, it can. For example, you may have leaks if you don’t properly place the loop (underground pipes). This not only reduces the efficiency of your system but also increases the risk of expensive repairs.

Improperly sealed connections can lead to coolant leaks, causing the system to lose its ability to heat water efficiently. Incorrectly configured settings or misaligned components can result in frequent system shutdowns or inconsistent water temperatures. 

2. Neglecting Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your geothermal water heater in top condition. Without proper care, small issues can turn into big problems. Common maintenance tasks include:

  • Regular visual inspections
  • Drain and flush
  • TPR function check
  • Anode rod inspection
  • Wash the filter
  • Clean condensate lines

Neglecting maintenance on your geothermal water heater can lead to a host of issues. Reduced efficiency, increased repair costs, and potential health and safety hazards are all possible without regular maintenance. 

3. Leaks and Water Damage

Leaks are another common geothermal heater issue. They can occur in the underground pipes or within the unit itself. It’s important to address leaks as soon as possible to keep your system running efficiently and avoid costly repairs.

Signs of leaks include:

  • Damp spots around the water heater
  • Drop in system pressure
  • An unexplained increase in your water bill
  • Mold or mildew growth
  • Poor heating performance or inconsistent temperatures
  • Visible corrosion or rust on pipes and fittings 

Fixing leaks quickly can prevent structural damage to your home and ensure the longevity and efficiency of your system. Make sure to work with a contractor that understands geothermal water heater systems.

4. Incorrect Temperature Settings

Like other water heaters, geothermal units rely on a thermostat to regulate water temperature. If the settings are too high or too low, your system may not work efficiently, leading to inconsistent water temperatures and higher energy consumption.

Setting the temperature too high can cause the system to overwork. If you set the thermostat too low, the result is insufficient heating.

Adjusting the settings to the manufacturer’s recommendations can improve system performance. For optimal heating and efficiency, set your geothermal water heater’s temperature to between 120°F and 140°F (49°C to 60°C).

Energy Efficiency: 120°F (49°C) meets most household needs and reduces energy consumption.

Safety: Below 140°F (60°C) prevents scalding and bacterial growth.

This range minimizes strain on the system, extending its lifespan. Adjust within this range if needed and regularly test the thermostat to ensure efficient and safe operation.

5. Combating Corrosion and Scale

Bellville, Ohio’s water is hard to very hard, which can impact water heaters. Corrosion and scale buildup are two issues caused by water quality. These issues can cause blockages, reduce efficiency, and even lead to system failure.


Corrosion occurs when the metal components of your geothermal water heater react with water and oxygen, leading to rust and deterioration. This can weaken the system and cause leaks or component failure.

Preventive Measures

Regular inspections for signs of rust or discoloration are essential. Applying anti-corrosion treatments or coatings can help protect metal components. Additionally, using non-corrosive materials like plastic or stainless steel in parts of the system can reduce the risk of corrosion.

Scale Buildup

Scale buildup happens when minerals like calcium and magnesium separate from the water and form deposits on the interior surfaces of the system. This is more common in areas with hard water.

Consider circulating descaling agents through the system to dissolve mineral deposits. Watch for signs of scale, such as reduced water flow or increased pressure, to catch the problem early.

Of all the water heater maintenance tips you read about, being proactive about removing corrosion and scale buildup should be a priority. It’s less time-consuming and more economical than most home maintenance tasks.

6. Electrical Challenges 

Electrical challenges can disrupt the performance of your geothermal water heater. From faulty wiring to blown fuses, any issues with the electrical components can lead to a system malfunction. 

Common electrical problems include:

  • Faulty wiring
  • Blown fuses 
  • Thermostat issues

Poorly installed or damaged wiring can disrupt electrical flow within the system. Overloading, short circuits, or electrical surges can result in blown fuses. Malfunctioning thermostats can lead to inaccurate temperature control. 

It’s crucial to address electrical problems promptly to prevent further damage and safety hazards.

Signs of electrical problems include:

  • Frequent system shutdowns
  • Tripped breakers
  • Burnt or discolored wiring
  • Electrical odors
  • Sparks or arcing

A qualified technician should diagnose and repair electrical issues to ensure the safety and efficiency of your geothermal water heater. Attempting DIY repairs on electrical components can be hazardous and may void warranties.

Resolve Water Heater Problems With Cosby Heating & Cooling

Understanding and addressing common water heater problems specific to Bellville, OH is vital to getting the most out of your geothermal unit. From installation errors to electrical challenges, addressing issues ensures efficient and reliable performance.

For expert assistance in troubleshooting and geothermal system repair, partner with Cosby Heating & Cooling. With over 40 years of experience, we’re your trusted one-stop shop for all heating and cooling needs. We keep up with the latest in HVAC and geothermal technology. 

Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you maintain optimal comfort and efficiency in your home.

hvac emergencies

Types of HVAC Emergencies: Signs You Need Immediate Service in Fredericktown, OH

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

The HVAC industry is short by over 138,000 technicians. If you encounter constant HVAC emergencies, you may have to wait for help. That’s potentially days of living in discomfort.

Before that happens, keep an eye out for these signs that you need immediate AC repair near me. If you encounter these issues, choose one of the best AC companies in Fredericktown ASAP!

Allergy Issues

The air inside your home could be as high as five times more polluted than the air outside. We spend about 90% of our time indoors. Breathing in polluted air could compromise your family’s health. 

Request an AC repair free estimate if you’re experiencing allergy symptoms. For example, sneezing, coughing, or itching. Respiratory problems and irritations can indicate the air quality is poor.

Your indoor air quality will continue to decline as air contaminants spread. These include:

  • Pet dander
  • Mold spores
  • Pollen
  • Formaldehyde
  • Smoke

If a member of your family has asthma, their symptoms could get worse over time. You may experience dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. Meanwhile, your risk of heart disease, cancer, and COPD could increase.

Instead of putting your family at risk, talk to an HVAC technician. Choose AC companies that offer indoor air quality testing. They can:

  • Extend your HVAC unit’s lifespan
  • Eliminate irritants
  • Eliminate odors
  • Improve your HVAC unit’s energy efficiency
  • Save you money
  • Install stronger air filters

Improving your indoor air quality will allow you to live in a healthier environment. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your family is safe. 

AC Pan Leaking

Is your air conditioner leaking? Look for AC repair near me right away. With the AC pan leaking, the risk of mold and mildew growth increases.

A technician will determine if the condensate drain is blocked or broken. Other possible culprits can include:

  • Restricted airflow
  • Low refrigerant levels
  • Dirty evaporator coils

Dirty and debris on the evaporator coils can mix with moisture in the air. This will increase the likelihood of mold growth. You may breathe in mold spores, leading to respiratory issues. 

There’s likely an issue with the evaporator coil if the unit isn’t producing cool air. Dirt will cover the coil’s surface air, hampering heat absorption.

This problem can affect the unit’s energy efficiency. The unit will work harder to produce cool air. It may break down.

You may notice the unit runs longer as it tries to cool your home. You’ll likely notice a spike in your energy spending. If these problems sound familiar, request AC repair services right away. 

High Energy Bills

Compare your energy bills this month to the same time last year. Was there a spike? Increased energy spending is a common sign of AC problems.

Over time, components will wear down. The unit may require more energy to function. These components may break, causing the entire unit to stop working.

Before that happens, schedule routine preventative maintenance. An experienced technician can assess the unit. They’ll recognize components that require replacing before the unit breaks down.

Routine maintenance can improve the unit’s energy efficiency. Meanwhile, you’ll only pay for small repairs (instead of expensive replacements).

The best HVAC technician can provide recommendations to help you improve your energy efficiency. For example, you should consider replacing the unit if it’s over 10 years old. A new, ENERGY STAR-qualified unit could save you 20% on heating and cooling expenses. 

Unpleasant Smells

Has an unpleasant odor infiltrated your home? If it’s not the trash or the cat’s litter box, check your HVAC unit and vents. 

A pest can infiltrate the vents, die, and produce a horrible odor that will spread throughout your home. Airborne pollutants can also affect your home’s indoor air quality. 

Your HVAC technician can ensure there’s proper ventilation. They may recommend that you schedule duct cleaning services or use an air purifier. These solutions can clean the air and make your home more comfortable. 

Unusual Sounds

The strange sounds your HVAC unit is making can indicate specific problems. If it’s gurgling, request emergency repair services. The unit could break down soon.

A metallic banging sound may mean a component is loose. Remember, an issue with one component can affect the unit’s overall efficiency.

Schedule preventative maintenance services in the fall and spring. Don’t wait until extreme temperatures roll in. You can confirm the unit is functioning properly before it breaks down in the heat of summer. 

A Weak Fan

Has your HVAC unit started producing warm air? Maybe the fan is slower than usual, causing poor air flow. These problems indicate you have a weak or broken fan.

A clogged HVAC filter can also cause these issues. You should change the filter every three months. If it’s clogged, the unit’s energy efficiency will decline. 

Tripped Breakers

How often does your home’s breaker trip? Don’t try to handle an electrical issue alone. Instead, request HVAC emergency services.

A licensed professional can assess the unit and electrical components. They can minimize the risk of a fire or other issues.

High Humidity Levels

The humidity levels within your home should fall between 30 and 50%. If it’s higher, the chances of mold growth will increase. High humidity levels could indicate blocked airflow.

Your HVAC technician can improve the airflow within your home. They can make recommendations to lower your humidity levels. For example, they may recommend you install a humidifier.

It’s possible there’s an issue with the refrigerant. Don’t try to recharge the refrigerant alone. Allow a professional to handle this process for you.

Relying on professional services will ensure your safety. It will also allow you to avoid voiding the unit’s warranty. 

Avoid HVAC Emergencies in Fredericktown

Do these HVAC issues sound familiar? Don’t wait to request help! Instead, call the best AC company for HVAC emergencies.

With routine preventative maintenance, you can avoid these emergencies. Our team at Cosby Heating & Cooling is committed to providing affordable solutions. Our high-skilled technicians can make recommendations based on your unique needs. 

Consider us your one-stop-shop for all your heating and cooling needs. Contact us now to request emergency HVAC services. 

commercial ac maintenance

Why Spring is The Best Time For Commercial AC Maintenance in Mt Vernon, OH

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

The birds outside are singing, the local flowers are blooming, and there’s a refreshing breeze in the air – spring has come to Ohio.

As a business owner, you step outside your office and take in the crisp, clean scent of the season. But wait, there’s something else that makes spring in Mt. Vernon even better – it’s the perfect time for commercial AC maintenance!

Read on to find out why spring is the best time for commercial AC maintenance in Mt. Vernon.

Optimal Performance

During the winter months, your commercial AC system may experience wear and tear from prolonged periods of inactivity or sporadic use.

Spring maintenance allows HVAC technicians to inspect the system thoroughly. They can identify any issues that may have arisen during the winter.

Then, they can address them before they escalate into larger problems. For example, maintenance can catch it if you have an air conditioner leaking or an AC pan leaking.

Regular maintenance extends the lifespan of commercial AC equipment. By keeping the system well-maintained and addressing wear and tear promptly, you can avoid premature failures and the need for frequent replacements. That maximizes the return on your AC repair near me investment.

Prepare For Summer

By conducting maintenance in spring, you ensure that your commercial AC system is in top-notch condition when the summer heat arrives.

That minimizes the risk of breakdowns. It ensures that your system operates at peak performance when it’s needed the most.

A properly maintained commercial AC system provides efficient and reliable cooling. That helps you create a comfortable atmosphere for employees, customers, and clients during the hot summer days.

It contributes to productivity and customer satisfaction. Just make sure you’re hiring the best AC companies you can find in Ohio for the best possible results.

Boost Air Quality

During spring maintenance, HVAC technicians replace or clean air filters in the commercial AC system. Over time, your commercial AC filters can become clogged with dust, pollen, allergens, and other particles, compromising indoor air quality.

By replacing these filters in spring, you ensure that the air circulating in your commercial space is clean and free of contaminants. That promotes better air quality for employees and customers.

Spring maintenance involves inspecting ductwork for leaks, blockages, or mold growth. Leaky or dirty ducts can introduce pollutants into the indoor air, compromising air quality.

Technicians can clean and seal ducts as needed, ensuring that the air distributed by the AC system is clean and fresh.

Avoid Peak Times

Spring is considered an off-peak season for HVAC maintenance compared to the summer months when AC systems are in desperate need to increased cooling needs.

By scheduling maintenance in spring, businesses can secure convenient appointment times without competing with a surge of service requests.

This allows businesses to have more flexibility in scheduling maintenance appointments, ensuring that they can choose a convenient time that doesn’t disrupt daily operations.

Emergency repairs or replacements during peak times can be more costly due to increased demand for HVAC services. By scheduling maintenance in spring, businesses can avoid these emergency expenses and budget more effectively for routine maintenance tasks.

Compliance and Safety

Manufacturers often specify regular maintenance as a condition for warranty coverage. Spring maintenance allows businesses to fulfill these requirements.

That preserves warranty protection. And, it avoids disputes with manufacturers over warranty claims related to inadequate maintenance.

Addressing safety concerns during spring maintenance helps prevent emergencies during peak cooling demand.

For example, identifying and repairing a potential electrical issue early can prevent system failures. It can even prevent fire hazards later on. That contributes to a safer working environment for employees and customers.

Energy Efficiency

If you’re worried about energy efficiency, spring maintenance can help.

Spring maintenance includes calibrating and testing the accuracy of thermostats.

Properly calibrated thermostats ensure that the AC system operates efficiently and maintains consistent temperatures, preventing unnecessary energy consumption due to overcooling or undercooling.

Spring maintenance includes documentation of all inspections, repairs, and maintenance tasks performed on the commercial AC system. Maintaining detailed records is essential for compliance purposes and warranty claims. Plus, it helps you demonstrate adherence to safety protocols.

It also provides a historical record of the system’s maintenance history. That can be important for troubleshooting or future maintenance planning.

Prevent Mold

After the winter months, commercial AC systems may have accumulated dust, debris, and moisture. These conditions create an ideal environment for mold growth within the system.

Spring maintenance allows technicians to thoroughly clean and inspect the AC components. That removes any potential sources of mold before they become a problem.

This time marks the transition to warmer weather and higher humidity levels. AC systems are super important for helping you control indoor humidity levels.

By conducting maintenance in spring, technicians can calibrate humidity control and ensure proper drainage.

They can address any issues that could lead to excess moisture buildup. That helps prevent conditions favorable for mold growth.

Upgrade Planning

Planning for upgrades during spring maintenance allows businesses to budget effectively for the costs associated with equipment upgrades, system enhancements, or technology integrations.

It provides time to research options, obtain quotes, and make informed decisions based on the budgetary considerations of the business.

It ensures that any upgrades or enhancements to the commercial AC system are completed well before the peak cooling season begins. This allows for a smoother transition and minimizes disruptions to business operations that may occur if upgrades are attempted during the busiest times of the year.

Many businesses are incorporating smart technologies into their HVAC systems for improved control, monitoring, and energy management. Spring maintenance offers an opportunity to assess the feasibility and benefits of integrating smart thermostats, zoning systems, or building automation solutions into the commercial AC setup.

Contact Cosby Heating and Cooling for Commercial AC Maintenance in Mt. Vernon, OH

Now that it’s spring, you should invest in commercial AC maintenance for your Mt. Vernon properties.

Are you ready to start hiring? Cosby Heating & Cooling has been at the top of the heap when it comes to HVAC services since 1982, so you know we can ensure your business is in top shape.

Contact us today.

hvac certifications

Understanding HVAC Certifications: Ensuring Quality Service in Gambier, OH

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Every year, Americans spend $14 billion on HVAC services and repairs. Some of that goes toward replacing around three million heating and cooling systems.

With that kind of money on the line, homeowners like you should do their due diligence when picking an HVAC company. One way to do this is by looking for and verifying their HVAC certifications and licenses.

So, what credentials should you look for in an HVAC company? What do they even mean, and how can they benefit you?

This guide discusses what you need to know about these certifications, so please read on. 

State Licensing

In Ohio, only commercial heating and AC companies require a state-issued license. However, local building departments may also need this from residential contractors.

You’d want to work with a licensed HVAC company, as it shows their credibility. After all, for one to qualify for a license, they must have:

  • At least five years of relevant work experience
  • Completed federal and state background checks
  • Passed a stringent trade exam
  • Carries contractor liability insurance coverage

So, whenever you need heating and cooling maintenance or repairs, always choose a licensed contractor. This way, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re dealing with a legitimate and experienced service provider.

An HVAC contractor’s liability coverage also benefits you, the homeowner. It covers damages to your property that may happen while the contractor completes a job for you. It also covers defective work or workers’ injuries that may occur on-site.

North American Technician Excellence (NATE) Certification

NATE is an independent, non-profit organization. It certifies HVAC and refrigeration (HVACR) technicians in the United States. It does so to help homeowners be more confident in their choice of an HVAC company.  

NATE’s certification programs involve rigorous, knowledge-based tests. These exams help establish a technician’s real-world knowledge of working with HVACR systems. 

How Does NATE Certify Technicians?

NATE requires entry-level HVACR techs to pass two exams before applying for certification. These include the “Ready-to-Work” and “HVAC Support Technician” tests. After passing both, techs must earn two (or more) years of work experience in the HVAC sector.

Technicians can only apply for NATE certification when they meet those requirements. Once they have, they must take either of these two routes to become NATE-certified:

  • The Certified HVAC Professional (CHP-5) pathway
  • The traditional NATE certification pathway

In both scenarios, technicians must take and pass even more knowledge-based exams. 

What Do NATE Tests Involve?

The content of NATE exams varies based on the specific test. However, they all help confirm a technician’s knowledge of the following:

  • Construction, electrical, and scientific concepts
  • Chemical, electrical, and mechanical safety
  • How to achieve optimal indoor comfort
  • Measuring humidity and temperature

Techs can also get a certification higher than the standard NATE. They can apply for the Senior Level Efficiency Analyst certificate. However, to take the test for this certification, they must have two specialty-level NATE HVAC certifications: one for heating and another for cooling. 

Why Choose NATE-Certified Technicians?

When you hire a NATE-certified HVAC technician, you can rest assured they have real-world knowledge and skills to fix your heating and air conditioning problems. Whether you need help with an air conditioner leaking or furnace repair, you can rely on them for all these and more. You can also trust them to provide comprehensive AC and heating tune-up services.

You can also expect NATE-certified technicians to have current industry knowledge. This is because they need continuing education or retake exams every two years. Doing so lets them maintain their certification.

NATE-certified techs can also help you make smarter HVAC-related choices. For example, they can guide you in choosing the right furnace that meets the latest energy efficiency standards. 

Pearl-Certified Contractor

Pearl Certification is a third-party certifying program. It helps identify homes with high energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and comfort standards. These include properties with solar, are well-insulated, and have energy-efficient HVAC systems. 

Because of those features, Pearl-certified homes are often more valuable than uncertified ones. For example, they sell for an average of 5% more.

Only Pearl Network contractors can offer Pearl Certification, though. These contractors have proven they provide exceptional services through:

  • Business best practices (e.g., having proper licenses, permits, and insurance)
  • Excellent online ratings and Better Business Bureau (BBB) history
  • Engagement in industry and trade associations, such as NATE

So, if you work with a Pearl HVAC contractor, you can rest easy knowing they’re licensed and insured. You can also expect them to provide exceptional customer service.

Plus, you can rely on them to teach you how to make your home more energy-efficient. By following their tips, you can reduce energy use and save money. 

Certification as a Factory-Authorized Dealer

A factory-authorized HVAC dealer is a dealer certified by an HVAC system manufacturer.

Let’s use the HVAC brand Bryant as an example.

Bryant certifies dealers through the NATE certification program. It also evaluates them for their high service standards and technical know-how.

Bryant also awards its best dealers with a Medal of Excellence (MOE). It gives this award to dealers with high customer satisfaction ratings and impressive sales growth.

There’s also the Bryant Pinnacle Award. To get this, dealers must have earned the MOE five times.

To top it off, Bryant offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on its products and dealers. If you’re unhappy with your equipment within a year of installation, your dealer should return to fix the issue for free. Your other option is to have them recover the equipment and refund you. 

Choose a Contractor With These HVAC Certifications

HVAC certifications from NATE and Pearl show an HVAC professional’s expertise. They demonstrate a contractor’s or technician’s knowledge, skills, and professionalism. This is why you should always choose an HVAC company with such credentials.

At Cosby Heating & Cooling, we are proud of our qualifications. We’re a fully insured, licensed HVAC company certified by NATE, Pearl, and Bryant. We also have an A+ BBB rating.

So, if you’re looking for a reliable, experienced HVAC company in Gambier, call us here at Cosby! We’ll happily provide all your heating and AC needs. 

hot water stopped working

What to Do if Your Howard, OH Home’s Hot Water Stopped Working

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Waking up to a cold shower on a brisk morning is an unwelcome surprise, yet it’s a scenario far too many homeowners face when their home’s hot water stopped working. This abrupt plunge from comfort to inconvenience isn’t just about missing your morning routine. It’s a clear signal that something’s gone awry in your home’s sanctuary.

As you stand there, shivering, questions begin to swirl. What caused this? Is it a simple fix or a sign of a bigger issue lurking within your home’s essential systems?

The importance of resolving this cannot be overstated. Access to hot water is a pillar of modern living, affecting everything from your daily comfort to household chores. Recognizing the urgency to restore warmth and normalcy, this article offers a lifeline, guiding you through diagnosing the problem and illuminating when it’s time to seek professional help. Let’s unravel the mystery of your hot water woes and set you on the path to a solution.

How Does Your Hot Water Heater System Work?

When it comes to maintaining a comfortable home, understanding your hot water system is crucial. There are mainly three types of water heaters found in homes: traditional tank water heaters, tankless water heaters, and those powered by gas or an electrical system. Each type operates differently and comes with its own set of guidelines for troubleshooting and maintenance.

Tank water heaters store and heat water in a large tank to ensure that hot water is available when you need it. These are common and can be powered by gas heating or an electrical system.

A tankless water heater, on the other hand, heats water directly without the use of a storage tank. When you turn a hot water tap on, cold water travels through a pipe into the unit. It is then heated by either a gas burner or an electric element to provide a constant supply of hot water.

Knowing the type of water heater you have is the first step in diagnosing any issues. For instance, a gas water heater uses a pilot light, which can be a source of problems if it goes out, while an electric water heater relies on its electrical system to function properly.

Common Causes of Hot Water Heater Issues

A lack of hot water in your home can stem from several common issues, depending on the type of water heater you have.

For gas water heaters, one of the most frequent problems is with the pilot light. If the pilot light goes out, the gas won’t ignite, and your water won’t heat up. This can be due to a faulty pilot light, a problem with the gas supply, or issues with the heater’s thermostat.

Electric water heaters, on the other hand, might face heating element failures. These elements are responsible for heating the water, and if they burn out or malfunction, you’ll find yourself facing a cold shower.

Similarly, the heater thermostat plays a critical role in regulating the temperature of the water. If it fails, it can result in water that’s too hot, too cold, or completely unheated.

Another common culprit across both types of systems is sediment buildup. Over time, minerals from the water can accumulate at the bottom of the tank and insulate the water from the heater’s source of heat. This not only affects the efficiency of your water heater but can also reduce its lifespan.

Initial Troubleshooting Steps When Hot Water Stopped Working

When your home suddenly finds itself without hot water, a few initial steps can help identify or even solve the problem. For electric water heater owners, checking the power supply is a good start. Sometimes, the solution is as simple as flipping a tripped circuit breaker back on.

Similarly, for those with gas heaters, ensuring the gas supply hasn’t been accidentally turned off can be a quick fix. This is something homeowners in Ohio have encountered, especially during colder months when systems are under more strain.

Adjusting the thermostat on your water heater might also resolve the issue. It’s not uncommon for settings to be changed accidentally, leading to water that’s colder or hotter than desired.

Another effective hot water heater troubleshooting step involves flushing the tank to remove sediment buildup. Over time, sediment can accumulate and hinder your water heater’s efficiency. Flushing the tank can restore function and improve heating efficiency.

When to Call the Professionals

There comes a point in hot water heater troubleshooting when the problem extends beyond a simple DIY fix. If your water heater exhibits complex issues, like leaks or noises that you can’t easily diagnose, it’s time to call in the professionals.

This is particularly true for emergency water heater repairs that involve gas lines or electrical components, where the risk of injury or further damage to your home is high.

Professional HVAC technicians have the tools and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively address these problems. They can perform water heater replacement or repair services that not only fix the issue at hand but also ensure your system operates efficiently in the long run.

For residents of Howard, OH, finding a trusted professional can mean the difference between a quick fix and ongoing problems.

In cases where your water heater is old or the repair costs are high, a technician might recommend a water heater replacement. This can be a more cost-effective solution over time, offering improved energy efficiency and reliability.

Whether it’s an unexpected failure or the result of years of wear and tear, professional guidance can help you navigate these decisions with confidence and ensure your home’s comfort is restored as quickly and safely as possible.

Contact Cosby Heating and Cooling for Water Heater System Service

After navigating through the steps to troubleshoot why your hot water stopped working, it’s clear that sometimes, the solution requires more than a quick fix. This is where Cosby Heating & Cooling steps in. With our dedication to providing expert service and our commitment to ensuring your home remains a sanctuary of comfort, we stand ready to address your heating and cooling needs.

Don’t let the absence of hot water disrupt your life any longer. Contact us today and let us help you make your home a cozy haven once again.

emergency boiler repair

Emergency Boiler Repair: What to Do When Your Heating Fails in Bellville, OH

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

When the temperature drops and your home heater suddenly stops working, it’s usually cause for panic. The thought of shivering through the night or enduring cold showers is enough to send anyone into a frenzy.

But fret not! Emergency boiler repair services in Bellville, OH are here to save the day. In this article, we’ll discuss common reasons for heating system failures, signs that your boiler is not working properly, and what to do when your boiler breaks down.

By understanding the dangers of gas leaks, as well as how to choose a reliable boiler repair company, you’ll be well-prepared for any emergency that comes your way!

Common Reasons for Heating System Failures

There are several common reasons why your heating system may fail. Here are a few of them:

Malfunctioning Thermostat

One of the most frequent culprits is a faulty thermostat. If your thermostat is not functioning right, it can stop your boiler from turning on or off at the appropriate times.

Faulty Fuel Supply

Another common issue is a lack of fuel or a faulty fuel supply. Make sure to check that your fuel source is not depleted and that there are no blockages in the fuel line.

Clogged Filter

A clogged filter can restrict airflow and cause your boiler to overheat or shut down. Regularly changing or cleaning your filters can help prevent this problem.

Electrical Issues

Other potential causes of heating system failures include electrical issues, such as a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker. It could also be caused by mechanical problems, like a broken pump or motor.


In some cases, the boiler itself may be old. If this is the case, you may have to replace it or get repairs done.

Understanding these common reasons for heating system failures can help you troubleshoot the issue and determine whether you need to call for emergency boiler repair in Bellville.

Signs That Your Boiler Is Not Working Properly

Recognizing the signs of a faulty boiler is essential in preventing further damage and ensuring the safety of your home. These are signs to watch out for:

No Heat or Hot Water

A common sign is a lack of heat or hot water. If you notice that your home is not heating up or your showers are cold despite the boiler being on, it is a clear indication that something is wrong.


Strange noises coming from your boiler, such as banging or whistling sounds, can also be a sign of an underlying issue. In this situation, you can call your landlord to verify that the noises aren’t caused by something else. If it’s your heating system, call a boiler repair company.

The Smell of Gas

If you smell gas or notice a sulfur-like odor, it’s imperative to act quickly, as this could indicate a gas leak. Other warning signs of a faulty boiler include fluctuating water pressure, frequent boiler cycling, or a pilot light that keeps going out.

What to Do When Your Boiler Breaks Down

In the unfortunate event that your boiler breaks down, there are a few basic steps you can take to address the issue before calling for emergency boiler repair in Bellville.

First, check if the pilot light is on. If it has gone out, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions to relight it. However, if you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, do not attempt to relight the pilot light and immediately evacuate your home.

Next, check the thermostat to ensure it’s set to the desired temperature and functioning correctly. Sometimes, a simple adjustment or battery replacement can solve the problem.

If these initial checks do not resolve the issue, it’s time to call a professional boiler repair company in Bellville.

The Dangers of Gas Leaks 

Gas leaks and pilot light issues are serious concerns when it comes to boiler malfunctions. They can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, which is a silent and potentially deadly threat. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, do not hesitate to evacuate your home and immediately call your local gas company or emergency services.

Again, it’s imperative to never attempt to fix a gas leak yourself, as this should only be done by trained professionals. Also, if your pilot light keeps going out, it could be a sign of a faulty thermocouple or other underlying issues. Ignoring these problems can lead to fires, leaks, or even explosions.

Always prioritize your safety and seek expert help for any gas-related boiler issue.

Choosing a Boiler Repair Company in Bellville, OH

When it comes to emergency boiler repairs, choosing a reliable, experienced boiler repair company is essential. This is how to find one:


Begin by researching local companies and reading reviews from previous customers. Look for a company that specializes in boiler repair and has a good track record for quality service.

Check for Licenses and Insurance

Always verify that the company is licensed, insured, and certified to handle boiler repairs. Without this information, you won’t know if the business is legitimate.

Get a Clear Estimate

A trustworthy boiler repair company will provide you with a clear estimate of the repair costs and explain the necessary repairs in detail. They should also offer emergency services and be available 24/7, as boiler breakdowns can happen at any time.

By selecting a reputable company in Bellville, you can have peace of mind knowing that your emergency boiler repair is in capable hands.

Contact Cosby Heating and Cooling for Heating System Repair in Mt. Vernon, OH

Experiencing a boiler breakdown is a stressful situation, but with the help of a reliable repair company, you don’t have to worry. At Cosby Heating & Cooling, we’ll be there to provide emergency boiler repair whenever you need it.

We’ve been serving Bellville, Ohio and the surrounding areas since 1982, and our company has built a good reputation. It doesn’t matter if you need home heater repair, AC services, or assistance with your indoor air quality, our skilled specialist can get the job done.

To schedule repair services, call 740-431-4230, or request a free quote on our website!

geothermal heat pump installation

Geothermal Heat Pump Installation in Mt. Vernon, OH: 3 Things to Know

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Are you tired of skyrocketing energy bills and unreliable heating systems during Ohio’s unpredictable winters? The solution might be right beneath your feet. Geothermal heat pump installation harnesses the Earth’s consistent underground temperatures and offers an efficient and sustainable alternative to traditional heating methods.

Imagine a winter where your home remains comfortably warm without the hefty energy costs. This isn’t a distant future technology. It’s a practical solution available right now in Mt. Vernon, OH.

Geothermal heating not only promises significant savings on your energy bills but also aligns with an eco-friendly lifestyle. Read on to explore how this innovative technology can transform your home heating experience and contribute to a greener future.

1. Significant Reduction in Energy Bills

Unlike traditional heating systems that burn fuel or use large amounts of electricity, a geothermal heat pump taps into the stable temperatures underground. This method is not only environmentally friendly but also incredibly efficient.

The science behind this efficiency is straightforward. Below the frost line, the Earth maintains a consistent temperature, ranging around 50-60°F year-round.

Geothermal systems leverage this natural heat reservoir in winter to warm your home. In the summer, they do the reverse by extracting heat from your home and transferring it back into the ground. This process reduces the need for excessive electrical heating or cooling, often the culprit behind high energy bills.

The real-world impact of this technology is substantial. Homeowners who have switched to geothermal heating report savings of up to 70% on their heating and up to 50% on cooling their homes compared to traditional HVAC systems.

For instance, a study by the Federal Energy Management Program found that geothermal systems offer one of the lowest lifecycle costs of all heating and cooling systems. This includes the initial installation cost spread over the system’s lifespan, as well as ongoing energy costs.

While the upfront cost of a geothermal system can be higher than traditional systems, the long-term savings are undeniable. In Ohio, where weather patterns can be unpredictable and harsh, the efficiency of a geothermal heat pump ensures that you’re not only saving money but also enjoying consistent and comfortable temperatures in your home.

With the added benefit of available tax credits and incentives for renewable energy solutions, the financial aspect becomes even more attractive.

2. Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness and Incentives

When you think about installing a geothermal heat pump in your Mt. Vernon home, consider it an investment for the future. While the initial cost might seem higher than traditional heating systems, the long-term savings and incentives make it a financially wise choice.

Initially, setting up a geothermal heating system involves installing an underground loop system. This process can be more expensive upfront compared to a conventional HVAC system. However, the key to understanding its value lies in looking at the long-term picture.

Over time, the energy savings from a geothermal system can offset the initial installation costs. For example, homeowners typically see a reduction in their heating and cooling costs by about 50-60%. This means that over a period of 5 to 10 years, the savings accrued can cover the initial investment.

To encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources, the government offers various incentives for geothermal heat pump installations. One significant benefit is the federal tax credit, which can cover a portion of the installation cost.

These incentives not only make geothermal systems more affordable but also shorten the payback period. As a homeowner, you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also gain financial rewards for choosing a sustainable option.

Geothermal systems are known for their durability and require less maintenance compared to traditional HVAC systems. The underground loop system has a lifespan of about 50 years, while the indoor components can last for around 25 years. This longevity means fewer repairs and replacements, adding to the overall cost-effectiveness of the system.

3. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Operation

In today’s world, where environmental concerns are more pressing than ever, geothermal heat pump installation stands out as a forward-thinking choice. This technology is not just about heating and cooling your home efficiently. It’s about making a positive impact on our planet.

Geothermal heat pumps operate using the Earth’s natural heat, which is a renewable resource. This means they don’t burn fossil fuels or release harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

In contrast to conventional heating systems, which often rely on gas, oil, or coal, geothermal systems offer a cleaner, more sustainable way to keep your home comfortable.

A significant advantage of these systems is their minimal ecological footprint. Geothermal heat pumps have a closed-loop system that circulates water or a water-antifreeze mixture underground, absorbing or releasing heat to the ground. This process is incredibly eco-friendly, as it doesn’t deplete natural resources or contribute to air pollution.

One of the most impactful benefits of geothermal heating is the reduction in carbon emissions. Traditional HVAC systems can emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas. Geothermal systems, however, have a much lower carbon footprint.

Moreover, because these systems are highly efficient, they require less energy to operate. This reduced energy consumption is vital in the global effort to curb electricity usage and its associated environmental impacts. As an HVAC company committed to eco-friendly solutions, we understand the importance of offering technologies that help our clients reduce their environmental impact.

Choosing a geothermal system is a step toward a more sustainable lifestyle. It’s a practical solution that aligns with the growing global emphasis on conservation and environmental responsibility.

Contact Heating & Cooling for Geothermal Heat Pump Installation in Mt. Vernon, OH

Embracing geothermal heat pump installation in Mt. Vernon, OH is more than just an upgrade to your home. It’s a step toward a sustainable and cost-effective future.

At Cosby Heating & Cooling, we specialize in providing top-notch heating services, including state-of-the-art Geothermal HVAC systems. Our expertise as a leading HVAC company in Mount Vernon ensures that your transition to geothermal heating is smooth and hassle-free.

Ready to make a change? Book your free in-home consultation with us today and experience the difference that professional service and cutting-edge technology can make in your home.

types of furnaces

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Furnace for Your Fredericktown, OH Home

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Ohio can experience some extremely cold temperatures in the winter months, so you want to ensure you and your family can stay warm. A furnace is the perfect solution, but you need to find the right one.

There are several different types, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Understanding each type will help you make the best choice based on your needs. 

In this guide, we’ll go over the different types of furnaces to give you an idea of how they work. We’ll also cover some other important factors that could affect your decision. Keep reading for more.

Types of Furnaces

Furnaces can vary significantly, but the fuel source is the biggest difference that you need to think about. Some may simply not be viable for you which could help you narrow things down a bit. You should consider all of the options available to you so you can determine what would work best.

Natural Gas

Natural gas furnaces are the most popular type throughout the US. With that in mind, a gas furnace needs to be connected to a municipal gas line to work. As such, they may not be viable in some situations.

Gas furnaces tend to have a higher installation cost than other types, but that doesn’t mean they’re the most expensive overall. They’re a relatively energy-efficient furnace type with lower operational costs. In the long run, they can end up costing less than other types of furnaces.

One potential drawback is a safety risk that isn’t present with other furnaces. These run on CO2 and could leak if there’s a malfunction.

CO2 is odorless and colorless, making it impossible to detect without a CO2 alarm. It’s very harmful, and can potentially be fatal. If you opt for a gas furnace, make sure you keep a CO2 alarm close to it in case it leaks at all.


Electric furnaces are another popular option, and they tend to be a bit less expensive to install than gas furnaces. The operation is fairly similar, so swapping from one to the other shouldn’t cause you any issues.

The main benefit of going for an electric furnace is that they’re easy to fuel. All you need is an electricity supply, so you don’t need to connect it to a gas line and there’s no need to keep restocking in fuel. 


The overall operation of a propane furnace is similar to a gas or electric furnace. The key difference is that these aren’t connected to a constant fuel supply. 

Instead, they use propane canisters. On the downside, you need to remember to replace these so you don’t end up running out. It’s a good idea to keep some stored away so you can swap the old one out for a new one as soon as it’s empty. 

The benefit of this is that they’re more versatile, and can be placed almost anywhere. This makes them a popular choice for cabins and camper vans. They work similarly to the two above but don’t need to be connected to a continuous fuel source.

Installation is generally quite cheap compared to gas furnaces. They are, however, less efficient. In the long run, they can work out to be a more expensive solution.


Oil furnaces are less expensive to install, but they’re still generally less popular than other types. Bear in mind that they’re also somewhat inefficient, which is a crucial factor for a lot of people.

They tend to require more maintenance than other furnaces. This can result in higher costs in the long term.

When they’re kept in good shape, however, oil furnaces can last for decades. You won’t need to worry about replacing one any time soon which can balance the cost and prevent a lot of hassle. 

One key thing to remember is that you need to ensure the oil tank is ready. The furnace may dry up if the tank is empty, and this can cause damage to the system.


Despite being arguably the most traditional type of furnace, these are fairly uncommon. They’re fairly cheap to install, but they’re also the least efficient option available.

People tend to avoid wood furnaces as they take more work than other types. You need to have wood stored so you don’t run out. You also need to consistently add more to the furnace to keep it going.

It’s worth noting that there are some models available that use wood as the primary fuel source and another type as a backup. This can be a good choice, but many people prefer a furnace with a different primary fuel source.

Other Factors to Consider Before Installing a Furnace

The fuel type may be the main thing you think about for your new heating solution, but it’s not the only differentiator. There are several other factors that you can consider to help you find the perfect furnace for your home.


Set an initial budget so you know what your price limit is. This is generally the first thing you should think about, as it may determine what your options are.

Don’t forget to also think about operating and maintenance costs. While one type of furnace may be a cheap option now, it could cost you more in the long term.

Furnace Size

You want to get a furnace that’s a suitable size for your home. If it’s too small or too large, it may be inefficient and won’t heat your home as it should.

A professional HVAC company such as Cosby Heating & Cooling can help with this. By assessing your home we can recommend the most suitable options for maximum efficiency.

Additional Features

You may want to take advantage of modern features such as multi-stage operation and variable speed blowers. While these offer additional benefits, they can also increase the price, so discuss these with our team before you buy a furnace.

Your New Furnace

With so many types of furnaces, it can be difficult to know what the right choice is. Cosby Heating & Cooling offers furnace installation and various other heating and cooling services in Fredericktown, OH.

We’ll be able to give you advice and guidance that will help you pick the perfect furnace for your home. Contact us today for your free quote.

diy hvac maintenance

DIY HVAC Maintenance Tips for Fall in Howard, OH

By Cosby HVAC Blogs

Are you ready to take control of your home’s comfort this fall? In Howard, OH, and other places in Knox County, the leaves are already changing. You’re likely also feeling a chill in the air most mornings.

It’s time to gear up for the coziest season of the year. This means taking care of HVAC maintenance.

We’ll show you how to tackle DIY HVAC maintenance like a pro. With these simple steps, you’ll keep your heating system running efficiently, ensure your family’s comfort, and save money on energy bills.

Say goodbye to chilly nights and hello to a toasty, welcoming home. 

Start the Fall Season with Clean Filters

When the season shifts, it’s time to change the air filter. These filters play a crucial role in maintaining your system’s efficiency and your indoor air quality.

Over time, dust, debris, and allergens clog air filters. Nothing unusual as the primary role of an air filter is to trap what you don’t want circulating in your indoor air. This buildup can restrict airflow, making your HVAC system work harder to heat your home. 

Clogged filters can impact indoor air quality by recirculating pollutants and allergens throughout your home. This can create concerns for household members with allergies or respiratory issues.

Changing the air filter is a simple yet essential, step in preparing your HVAC system for the fall season.

Any home improvement store in Mt. Vernon, Howard, or the surrounding cities carries filters, but your local HVAC company includes a filter change when they perform routine maintenance.

Unblock Air Vents and Registers

You’ve taken care of that dirty, clogged air filter, but don’t overlook the vents and registers. They are the gateways for warm air from the furnace to flow into your living spaces.

It’s not uncommon for air vents and registers to become unwitting victims of household clutter.

Furniture, rugs, and other items placed over vents and registers hinder airflow. The result is uneven heating. Some areas of your home will feel too warm, while others will stay chilly.

Like dirty air filters, clogged vents, and registers can force your HVAC system to work harder.  Not only can it lead to higher energy bills, but it can cause wear and tear on the system.

Check for Leaks in Your Ductwork

Another easy DIY HVAC maintenance task can help you save money on energy bills and prevent overworking your furnace. Check for leaks and gaps in your ductwork.

Your ductwork is one of the most overlooked components of your HVAC system. Ductwork transports conditioned air from the furnace to the supply vents.

Ducts can develop tiny leaks, which may seem inconsequential but can significantly impact the efficiency of your HVAC system. Sometimes ductwork loosens and allows air to escape through the gaps.

Give your ductwork a thorough inspection this fall. Look for visible gaps, cracks, or loose connections. If you find any, don’t worry; it’s a manageable problem.

Seal leaks with either duct tape or mastic, a gooey adhesive that closes gaps and keeps your warm air where it belongs. If you have aging ductwork in your Howard or Mt. Vernon, OH, home, this might be the year to consider an upgrade.

Give the Thermostat a Little TLC

The thermostat is control central to your HVAC system. If it’s not working properly, your furnace may not even turn on, much less heat your home.

Thermostat care is so easy even the least experienced DIYer can handle the job.

First, clean the thermostat. Carefully remove the thermostat cover and use a soft paintbrush to gently clean the internal components. Make sure no dirt or debris obstructs the thermostat’s sensors.

Next, calibrate the thermostat. If the thermostat loses calibration, it won’t give accurate temperature readings. Consult your thermostat’s user manual for instructions on how to recalibrate.

Test for functionality now. Set the thermostat to “Heat” and raise the temperature a few degrees above the current room temperature. Listen for a click (it means the thermostat is engaged) and let the system run for a while to confirm you have warm air circulating.

Set the thermostat back to its original temperature. Listen for a click to indicate the system has turned off.

If you haven’t already done so, consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat. A smart thermostat can revolutionize the way you manage your HVAC system. It’s an excellent home improvement upgrade that most homeowners can do themselves.

Test Carbon Monoxide Detectors

During the colder months, the risk of carbon monoxide (CO) exposure increases. Fuel-burning appliances like furnaces can produce high levels of CO. Testing your carbon monoxide detectors in the fall is critical to protecting you and your family.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Replace batteries
  • Test functionality
  • Verify correct placement
  • Check end dates
  • Understand the alarms

Most models have a test button. When pressed, the alarm sounds to confirm the detector is working correctly.

You should install CO detectors near sleeping areas and on every level of your house. Pay attention to manufacturer guidelines about proper installation height and distance from potential CO sources.

If you need to replace CO detectors or have questions about how to maintain them, a local HVAC company in Knox County, OH can assist.

DIY HVAC Maintenance vs the Professionals

While most homeowners can manage DIY HVAC maintenance tasks, there’s no substitute for the expertise of a professional HVAC maintenance service in Howard, OH.

HVAC professionals scrutinize every detail of your heating system. During a maintenance visit, they identify potential issues before they become major problems. This includes examining components like the heat exchanger, burners, electrical connections, and the thermostat.

You should have an HVAC tune-up each year before colder weather arrives. Routine maintenance not only helps you prepare your HVAC for winter, but it also helps prevent an unexpected and costly furnace repair.

Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance Today

If you’ve completed everything on our list of DIY HVAC maintenance tips, you’ve come a long way toward preparing your HVAC system to keep your home cozy this winter.

Experts at Cosby Heating and Cooling can handle the rest. We specialize in HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance in Mt.Vernon, Howard, and other Knox County, OH, locations.

Don’t set up your furnace for failure. Reach out today to schedule HVAC maintenance. Your furnace and your family will thank you.